Thursday, March 14, 2013

Okay, now that I have internet let me fill in a few details.  Mitch left White Mountain after his mandatory 8 hour rest at 13:11 the afternoon of 3/12.  Aliy left 13 minutes later after her 8 hours.  They finished 34 minutes apart with Mitch's dogs having made the 77 mile run into Nome in 9 hours and 28 minutes.

Karin left White Mountain this morning at 7:20, has passed through Safety and is now only 22 miles out from Nome.  It is 1:36 p.m. local time.  The dogs are 'cookin'': speed listed as 9.6!  Maybe they are going downhill, but they are on a little spit of land that goes between the Bering Sea and Safety Sound.  They do have a hill to climb up ahead of them.  It would appear that she wll come in 39th; she won't be real happy with that.  She has realized that her dogs are faster than she thought and that it is the lenght of the rest stops that is delaying her.  The heat has not helped. 

One gets a bit warped up here as to what is warm.  It is a very pleasant 10 degrees above today here in Nome.  I have yet to put on my padded coveralls but have been wearing my lined jeans with thin long johns and I only have on an undershirt and long sleeve tee-shirt (Blue on Black Kennels, of course) under my parka when I'm outside.  My boots are good, but I'm doing fine without a hat though I have put up my parka hood when the wind is blowing.

I know what I wanted to tell you and should have days ago, when you are looking at the GPS Tracker on the positions on the left hand side are not accurate.  They are fine for those on the trail but when people are in a checkpoint going 0.0 mph they seem to put them in numerical bib order.  Oh well, it will be a finish for Karin soon.

Shoot, Beals #22 just passed her!  They are 18 miles out.  This too may be a race!  will keep an eye on it.  I don't have to be to work until 5 and she should be in before then.  Oh dang, I need to go back to the hotel and get my camera.  Later.

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